But enough of Wirth and on to last night’s phenomenal show. What made it so different? Well, an overwhelming vibe of obsessive production, of commotion, of what it means to be an artist. Still, all this is no big surprise given that the gallery's initial space is filled by work from Dieter Roth, with installations, assemblages, drawings, paintings, collages and who knows what else. These are shown at the Coppermill almost as one piece. At least that’s how it felt to me. Maybe it was the crowd, pulling the whole thing together, or simply the fact that there was such an incredible amount of work on show. Yet, having seen Roth a couple of years back at PS1 in New York, I know for a fact that, while his work may be frenzied, it can be exhibited in a clean-cut way. Nonetheless, Hauser & Wirth has embraced Roth’s pandemonium, making things feel all cool and crude and industrialised (in an organic way, of course...).
Martin Kippenberger takes up the second space of Hauser & Wirth. Now, don't be too disappointed... His notorious over the top antics are absent here. His sense of the absurd, passion for pandemonium, ability to shock and offend are nowhere to be seen. Not that this is a problem – after all, Kippenberg, like Roth, passed away several years ago, so any shock tactics have all been seen and heard of before. They are already old hat has beens. Yet his work on show – several canvases – large, small and in-between – his fabulous ‘Martin go stand in the corner, shame on you’ (left), and a central installation, ‘Now I’m going to the big birch wood, my pills will soon start doing me good', appear rather claming beside Roth’s creations. It's a little ironic, to say the least. Well, maybe it's the pills.
Dieter Roth and Martin Kippenberger are showing at Hauser & Wirth, Coppermill, 92 – 108 Cheshire Street, London E2, from 26th May – August 27.