Given all this experience, it’s probably not that surprising the Tobias brothers’ work is kind of dark, laced by a little wry, dry humour. It makes sense, really, because these guys know where they’re from and in that, they also know precisely where they’re at. It also makes for some interesyting works.
Like the Chapmans, it’s a collaborative, reciprocal effort between the two brothers. However, the Tobias’ have three studios; one each, and a third, which they share. It's a system that works as the pair can certianly churn out work. For their upcoming show at Sprüth Magers, the duo have gone for four large woodcuts, a selection of works on paper, and couple of sculptures. They’ll be exhibiting these pieces in a red setting as the gallery walls will be painted in an ox-blood tone. They've dubbed it ‘The Hora Never Stops’. Funny that...
Gert and Uwe Tobias, ‘The Hora Never Stops’ @ Sprüth Magers Projekte, Ludwigstr. 780539, Munich, from 25th January – 17th March.
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